Sunday, May 20, 2012

the establishment of protected areas conservation of biological diversity SWTOR Credits the establ

129809647073023750_162Overview on biological diversity of the Convention as a legally binding Convention, aimed at protecting endangered plants and animals, to maximize protection of the variety of living things on Earth resources, for the benefit of present and future generations. The provisions of the Convention, gift or transfer of developed countries to provide developing countries with new and additional funds to compensate them for the conservation of biological resources,Cost of benefits increased, should be more effective transfer of technology to developing countries, so as to facilitate the protection of biological resources of the world; signatories for the plants and wildlife of catalog software in their territory, plans to protect endangered species of fauna and flora; established financial institutions to assist developing countries to implement plan to inventory and protect flora and fauna; use the natural resources of another countryAnd the sharing of research results, profit and technology in that country. As of February 2004 Rift CD-key, the signature of the Convention 188 State-owned. China signed the Convention on June 11, 1992, ratified on November 7, 1992, on January 5, 1993, deposited their instruments of accession. Born in 1972, in the United Nations on human environment held in StockholmThe General Assembly decided to establish the United Nations Environment Programme and Governments signed a number of regional and international agreements to address the protection of wetlands, management issues such as international trade in endangered species, which together with the control of toxic chemicals in the agreement have slowed the environmentally damaging trends, although this trend has not been completely reversed, for example, hunting, mining and selling of certain animal and plantInternational bans and restrictions have been reduced of indiscriminate hunting, and indiscriminate digging and poaching. In 1987, the World Commission on environment and development (Brundtland Commission) have come to the conclusion of economic development must be to reduce harm to the environment, this landmark report entitled "our common future", it pointed out that the humans have to meet their own needs and not at the expense of future generationsImplementation requires the expense of sustainable development ability of; report also called for a "new era of the development of a healthy Diablo 3 power leveling, green economy." In 1992, Brazil was held in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the heads of the largest United Nations Conference on environment and development, the "Earth Summit" which signed a series of historic agreements, including two bindingDiscussion: climate change and the Convention on biological diversity. Former target is industrial emissions and other greenhouse gases such as CO2; the latter is the first global agreement for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, access to quickly and widely accepted Convention on biological diversity, more than 150 countries signed the documents at the Rio Conference, and since then a total of 175 countries had ratified the Protocol�� Main objectives 1, 2 on the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of biological diversity components 3, shared business interests of genetic resources in a fair and reasonable manner and target a wide range of other forms of use of the Convention on biological diversity, on the major issues of the future of mankind, has become international law course. First made the protection under the Convention on biological diversity is a humanSuch common interests of consensus and an integral part of the development process, the Convention covers all ecosystems, species and genetic resources, traditional conservation efforts and sustainable use of biological resources linked to economic objectives, the Convention established the principle of fair and equitable sharing of genetic resources of interest, in particular, for commercial purposes, covers the rapid development of biotechnology ledDomains, including bio-technology development, transfer, benefit-sharing and biosafety, is particularly important is that the Convention is legally binding, the parties have an obligation to implement its provisions. Convention reminds decision-makers, natural resources are not infinite, Convention for the 21st century to establish a new concept-the sustainable use of biological diversity, protection efforts in the past focused on protection of certainSpecial habitats and species, considered the Convention, ecosystems, species and genes must be used for human benefit, but this should not lead to the long-term decline of biodiversity use and use the speed to obtain. Based on the precautionary principle, the Convention provides a guide for policy makers: when there are significantly reduced or dropped when biological diversity, lack of sufficient scientific findings cannot be used as miningAn excuse to take measures to reduce or eliminate this threat. Confirm protection under the Convention on biological diversity requires substantial investment, but also stressed that the conservation of biological diversity should bring us significant environmental, economic and social returns. Main body is the supreme body of the Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the parties (COP), by the ratification of the Convention by Governments (including regional economicIntegration organization), the institution checks the progress of the Convention, for States to identify new priority focus, develop work plans. COP can amend the Convention, establishment of advisory expert group, check the progress reports submitted by Member States and in cooperation with other organizations and conventions. COP can access to expertise and support from the conventions established by other organisations, such as: Science, technologyAnd technology consulting subsidiary body (SBSTTA) SBSTTA consisting of experts from the areas of Member States related, in providing scientific and technical advice to the COP had a key role to play. Clearing-house mechanism is based on promoting cooperation in science and technology of the Internet and information networks. Secretariat in Canada Montreal, with the United Nations Environment ProgrammeClose contact, the main function is to organize meetings, draft documents, assist Member States in meeting the work plan, in cooperation with other international organizations, to collect and make available information. In addition, the COP may, if it considers it appropriate to set up ad hoc committees or mechanisms, COP in 1996-1999 the establishment of the Working Group on Biosafety, and the establishment of the Working Group of the knowledge of indigenous and local communities. TotalBall the GEF (Global Environment Facility) in Convention-related activities in developing countries can get the funding from the financial mechanism of the Convention, such as the GEF. By the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank in support of GEF projects in the fourBall has a significant role to promote international cooperation in the field of the environment and financing: biodiversity loss, climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and international waters resource failure. To the end of 1999, GEF biodiversity projects in 120 countries provided nearly US $ 1 billion in support. Fulfil their obligations as an International Convention on biological diversity, share a commonDifficulty, complete set of objectives, policies and general obligations, and organization of technical and financial cooperation, however, the main responsibility to the parties themselves to achieve this goal. Private companies, landowners, fishermen and farmers engaged in a number of activities affecting biodiversity, the Government needs to formulate regulations governing their use of natural resources, protection of State-owned lands and watersMeasures such as bio-diversity leadership responsibilities. Under the Convention, Governments bear the obligations of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, the Government must develop a national biodiversity strategy and action plan, and these strategies and plans into broader national programme on environment and development, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, energy, transport and urban planning is particularly important. Other conventionsIncludes: 1, identification and monitoring of components of biological diversity important to protect; 2, the establishment of protected areas conservation of biological diversity, and promote environment-friendly development in the region, 3, with the cooperation of local residents, repair and restore the ecosystems and promote the recovery of threatened species, 4, with the participation of local populations and communities, to respect, protect andConservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of traditional knowledge; 5, preventing the introduction of threatened ecosystems, habitats and species of alien species wow cd-key, and their control and eradication; 6, control risks of modern biotechnology changes caused by organisms; 7, promoting public participation, in particular the evaluation of environmental impact of development projects that threaten biological diversity; 8, educating the public,Raising public awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the need for protection, 9, the parties to report on how to achieve the goal of biological diversity. Issue 1, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use measures and incentives; 2, access to genetic resources; 3 the access to and transfer of technology, including biotechnology 4 5, technical and scientific cooperation, videoAssessment of 6, 7, 8 sources on education and public awareness, performance of the obligations of the Convention national report Others:

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