Thursday, March 29, 2012

tera power leveling If - MYZ

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"); return false; } else { var url = '/report/' s1 '.html';; } }CITIC Securities Pi Shun March 26, 2012 Association focused on dynamics of listed company: bestv join Bank of China first "TV Bank"; huayi brothers share "Now detonation Valley" began broadcasting; lightMedia contract responsibility system, the passion to sing in Beijing national sea election; renamed the ST source "media of the Yangtze River".����Reminder: baina, province wide shares were registered in China, tianwei video, huayi Yoshinobu disclosure reports. Traditional media news: the Ministry will promote the cultural industries sector build capital markets; Li Changchun to visit the exhibition on China's international radio and television information network China will further expand the triple testPoint range; switch CNTV IPTV platform in Shenyang, Liaoning; CNTV visibility make joint licence to launch Internet TV set-top-box; together CNTV Tencent expands strategic cooperation in the development of the Internet TV industry; the State Copyright Bureau confirm Apple alleged copyright infringement. New media news: new version of PPTV clients fully support The new iPad, and Sohu videoFirst to publish New iPad client; and Tencent announce 2011 fourth-quarter; QQ online shop starts charging measures some businesses began moving; cat Cyber water car rental business; when next month when create their own clothing brand online; Jingdong Mall after the March to restart the process of listing; post 2012 white paper on Enterprise microblogging Sina weibo; qihoo 360 set ChiefPrivacy Officer; fenghuangwang publishing media Olympic strategy; peer pleasure that 2012 Internet TV users will double; YouTube plans to increase the "original" investment company SOFTBANK and Yahoo deal to restart negotiations. Market review: media index 3.22% a week, winning 300 from 2.7g%. 41 listed media companyAverage of 2.71%. Gains first three huace film, Xinhua media and Saengthom shares, three per cent of Shanghai, Wuhan steel plastic and plus networks.����Overseas listed company, Beijing media, a Grand game, qihoo 360 top three per cent.����Risk tips: cultural policy rules support uncertainty, macro-economic impact on the industry. Industry ratings and recommendationsStocks: stocks outperform in a row in the media after the Spring Festival, but short-term adjustment pressures are expected, 2012 proposals concern performance-oriented growth, valuation adjustments after a reasonable amount of certainty better leading enterprises. We optimize core 10 combo in the middle line: huayi brothers, blue, cursors, plus net, bestv, Wuhan plastics shares, province wide, light in the media, in the media, the broadcasting media,Media text; at the same time recommends that the process of national cable network. Stocks Wen Guang media are involved in the latest study reports more title rating category rating date of name change report concerns in middle market fluctuations better than big cities for 2012CITIC Securities television agencies participating in the Mainland the main-03-26, "Mesozoic" Director will become the domestic electrical ... China Merchants securities recommended maintaining 2012-03-25 guotai Junan securities, guotai Junan media holdings of weekly maintenance 2012-03-23 Chun Jiao Zhi Ming and then continued leading edge, quality makes the British drama trend to increase its stake to maintain 2012-03-23 guotai Junan securities, a multi-screen diablo 3 gold, "as" should not be superior to 2012-03-21 for the first time in big city CSI retaining click to view full >> Wen Guang overview media top units rated communication stocks forecast profit in next 3 yearsWen Guang media stocks financial index ranking of rate of return on equity net assets per share earnings per share net profit growth rate of main business revenue growth profit not distributed in main business income net income per share cash flow from operating activities per share sales margin top industry trackfunction copyToClipBoard(){ var clipBoardContent=""; clipBoardContent =location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent); Alert ("replicated successfully, please paste to recommend to your friends on your QQ/MSN"); } Solemnly declare: dongfangcaifuwang publish this information aims to disseminate more information, position has nothing to do with this website. 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