Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling successfully breaking the world record - BTS

129773438709843750_420Functional building program following the success of the love after the dream, arts channel in Jiangsu Province will soon launch a new game of competitive programs of the bugs in a State of excitement rushed. It is understood that the programme by programme groups spending huge sums from Japan introduced models and improved, ultimate challenge with a reasonable degree of colour, and presided over the cute cartoon has become one of the highlights of the show. Present were registered in the programme are closelyIn the process diablo 3 gold, will be officially landed Jiangsu arts channel on March 26 the shocked a long program. Push the boundaries of its course is completely open "Challenge Fund" eyeball show diablo 3 power leveling, the host and guests will play into the "worm Valley" in small animals, and constantly challenge human of course is completely open "envelope". For example, ran into the steep slope rising, 30 degree, 45 degree60 of sth With the steep gradient of increasing challenge test is constantly upgraded, accidentally would fall, can be called "jingxin"; there are skipping rope 2m starting from the ever-shortening of the length of the 1.5M, 1.2m,0.5m sth At present in the recording process, has a player successfully broke the world record, and rope lengthJust 1cm, whether the player is how to break the limit, successfully breaking the world record? We wait and see. Program producer of the bugs in a State of excitement rushed To Suen said road, complete broadcast of the first phase of the programme will be divided into two days, by the facilitator and the participants complete the challenge on the first day, decide the day of record, the next day you will "ring" to the audience, up to the audience to pickPK, being able to hit a record breaking the host and guests, even if the challenge is successful, you can successfully get a sum of money "Challenge Fund", "We welcome the viewers staging challenges. "Styling cute but not" infant "competitive requires" skillful force "of the worm in a State of excitement rushed dress very cute cartoon backdrop and host the program, but as a gameAthletic programs, content is not "infant", competitive challenges and the atmosphere was very strong, cute cartoons instead of dressing up as a tense rhythm programs added to the indispensable element easily, let the audience in a funny taste while easily to the atmosphere of exciting challenges. "Although games athletic programs, but not their agility players will battle"Program producer To Suen said, in certain areas, but is" wide-body fat "were more stable and sturdy, and ultimately good," and some items require a certain level of skill, and not only with ' brute force ' could cross the border, the Challenger's campaign thinking is also a major challenge. "It is understood that during the show will be held March 26 ~ 15th in JiangsuArts channel broadcast the shock of a dragon, with the recording continues, the broadcast date of the worm in a State of excitement rushed approach, by then the audience to enjoy the beautiful as a fairy tale world scene arrangement and cute cartoon characters at the same time tera power leveling, also can participate in the exciting sports challenges. (Editor: Liu Hongrui) Others:

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