Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 000 volumes. If short-term action - TLZ

129771772395718560_42Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog the domestic information weighted dynamic scroll margin domestic news comment online interpretation of hot topics indexPosition tool introduction to futures investment tips for financial futures calendar Forum blog Salon team selection futures > body font size print RSS source March 25, 2012: the Yangzi evening newsSFC Chairman Mr Guo in Zhejiang recently research, in-depth calls listen in to retail investors, this could be considered a former Chairman of the SFC first "investigation of the countryside". Stock market taxes against the investors, small and medium investors to invest in high cost, he said, the Commission is working on this active communication with the relevant departments. So, investors stocks now paying what tax,How high stock costs?  In this regard, next magazine reporter conducted a survey interview. 10 stamp "blood" 538.8 billion worth of stock index gains zero contrast large Treasury yesterday said 2012 budget stamp duty on stock transactions for the $ 45 billion, increased number of implementation in 2011 2.472 billion yuan, an increase of 5.8%. CardCouncil statistics show 2011, average daily share turnover of 172.807 billion yuan, cumulative duty is 42.167 billion yuan for the whole year. This year the index 21.68%, Shenzhen Stock Exchange fully mechanized or 32.86%. In this incessant cruel in light market tera power leveling, investors still contributed 42.167 billion worth of stamp duty. Time, from theAt end-June 2001, cumulative shareholders paid 538.891 billion the stamp duty for the State, but stock index gains 10 zeros. Stamp duty on stock transactions is specifically designed for the amount levied a tax on stock transactions. Since the beginning of China's stock market opened, stamp duty on stock transactions has been accompanied by Chinese investors. The past 20 years, China's securitiesStamp duty tax rate has been adjusted several times.  Last revised on September 19, 2008, stamp duty on stock transactions by the bilateral collection to the unilateral imposition, tax rate is 1 per thousand. Shareholders $ 67 billion last year to broker commissions 100,000 capital 5 times a month and out of the year to pay 36,000 0.8 ??, 1, or 3 per thousand? How much will you trade stocks Commission? 2002 on May 1, stock exchange floating Commission system into effect, Commission CAP is 3 per thousand, no lower limit. Reporter learned that, now the Securities Sales Commission rates vary considerably, most stock investors securities companies are in accordance with the proportion of 1 per thousand of the Commission, but there are some investors due to the signing of the principal contract without understanding the situation, in accordance with the maximum of 3 per thousandPercentage Commission.  Gather source data show that in 2011, investors together contributed $ 67 billion to brokers ' commissions. The old shareholders, Mr LAU to press accounts: If a $ 100,000 of principal, and out of a $ 200,000 volumes. If short-term action, follow the 5 times a month calculated, of $ 12 million a year turnover. If the Commission is3 per thousand, the fees are $ 36,000 a year if the Commission is $ 2 per thousand is Commission only 24,000, charge 1 per thousand, as long as 12,000 dollars. Shares, shareholders more than "Sun" from their account settlement, due to keen on short-term action, over the last year, he shares $ 120,000 only account to pay brokerage commissions as high as more than 40,000 yuan. “Stocks of last year I didn't make money, give securities company spent a year working in vain.  "He sighs. Shareholders made President Guo "songgu bonus" bad red profits "double charge" prejudice the shareholders ' interests in the Securities and Futures Commission Chairman Mr Guo and Investor Forum, is red the profits of shareholders on most issues, "Please don't songgu and pay dividends to me, because I want to make redThe profits ". At present, private investors from the cash dividends of listed companies by 10% tax. Investor book cash income is derived from the actual 90% of the bonus amount. Ex-dividend date and dividends, dividend stocks open reference implementation is according to the 100% of the dividend amount. This stock has not opened, stock account market value has shrunk of investors (the one financialBy February 2 this year there have been reported). In addition, cash dividends from after-tax profits of listed companies, that is, to pay enterprise income tax of profits, after the receipt of dividends, funds and individual investors also need to pay personal income tax at a rate of 10%, resulting in double taxation cash dividends. However, in addition to individual investors, Fund and other investors such as legal person, Enterprise received dividends of listed companies but do not have to pay taxes. Resulting tax burden between different investors do not have.  Liu jipeng, Professor of law and Economics at the University of politics and law tera power leveling, China Research Center pointed out that "double taxation" particularly hurt the interests of small investors. In 2008 when the stock market fell sharply, cancel the Red tax calls for four, but could not be implemented. This year, with theIntroduced enhanced dividend policy of listed company of the customs sector, concern about Red profits heat up again, red on profits in the two sessions this year were collective crusade against. While the SFC Chairman Mr Guo stand, SFC is preferential tax policy discussion on the sector and the capital market, but red profit successful free, insiders are not encouraging. Because the dividend income tax is a "personal income tax"Category, are set out in the law on personal income tax, its establishment and cancellation, you must go through the appropriate legislative process, this process is long tera gold, who also cannot be expected. Fried 150,000 a share transaction cost is 1 million United States 39 times times there was trade between Sino-US stock trading costs for comparison: under the same conditions, calculated according to the operation 15 times a year, Do full cartridge with 1 million yuan in China's stock market trading, bet does not make a case, only the stamp duty is due $ 90,000 a year. Plus brokerage commissions, transaction costs about 150,000 and put the money into dollars in the United States stock market warehouse deals, likewise, stamp duty exempt, brokerage commissions for every US $ 10, while securities transactions each transaction there are two out of 10,000Taxes, the average annual trading costs approximately US $ 540 (about 3,843 million). Wuhan University of science and technology, Director of the Finance Institute Dong Dengxin says, in the stock markets in developed countries such as the United States and Britain, in order to stabilise the market, encourage investment and long-term value investing, stock market tax system is based on capital income tax (or capital gains tax) as the principal tax, and stamp duty, and Red the profitsAs a supplementary taxes. United States, for example, a declaration of personal income tax in one of the important is the stock tax, if your stock when you sell less than when you bought on or before December 31 of that year, your stock losses. Losses not only do not have to pay tax on stock, and can be subtracted from your taxable salary of that portion of stock losses.  Without the tax. Stock investorsLooks forward to stocks losses from tax expert recommendations difference tax, and heavy tax suppression short fried yesterday, SFC on securities market tax problem and about sector active communication of message in shareholders in the also caused has must of response, has shareholders in micro-Bo Shang said "looks forward to drop tax, and drop quasi, and cuts", also has shareholders recommendations said "stocks made has to tax, losses has on should tax reductions or exemptions received". ReporterUnderstand that current investors felt problem, the stock cost higher heavy taxes, the most fundamental reason is that from the rate of return in the stock market is too small. Huzhi is close to zero per cent over the past decade, but shareholders contributed 387.4 billion dollars to brokers ' commissions, paid 538.891 billion the stamp duty for the State, but the cumulative dividend of listed companies is only $ 750 billion over the same period. Stock market sharesDividend return might not be enough offset transaction costs. Of Tsinghua University Li daokui, believed that institutional defects of Chinese stock, very low percentage cash dividend of listed companies. Such as the establishment of a system requires listed companies to be the primary operating income 60–70% up for cash dividends, investor psychology changes. According to its estimates, if the proportion by the mandatory cash dividends, onCompany's dividend yield can reach 3-4%, and 1-year time deposit, the stock market fell, investors will not be great mental fluctuations arising from share price fluctuations. For specific tax reform, Dong Dengxin thought, United States brokerage Commission attaches great importance to the turnover on the standard settings, exchange rate, the number of transactions. And securities trader unified by "turnover" fee, plusThe transaction costs of small and medium-sized investors.  He suggested that the stock market "taxes" is the external transaction costs for investors, "fees" should not be "tax" when stamp duty reduced to only imposed unilateral 0.1%, brokerage Commission standards should be imposed unilateral 0.1% less, sync the tax cut. Nanjing a brokers believe domestic brokerage commissions was not high, butTaxing compared to high. He suggested the Government could levy heavy taxes on short operation, "the best way to do so, someone mentioned previously, is a heavy tax on short-term, long-term collection and even less does not sign in.  "News link-individual stocks to which tax? Individual investors in the process of holding and trading of stocks, which costs? It is understood that thisMainly consists of two parts, part is produced in the course of dealing costs, including fees, transfer fees, stamp duty, three. Securities and Exchange Commission is the money of the investors to the securities company, usually in sums of between 0.1%. Transaction fee is denomination (note that is a denomination) of 0.1%, is an investor to the registration and clearing company. In addition to printingSpend tax, value 0.1%, paid by selling single.  These fees are collected by the Securities and Exchange. In addition, in the process of holding of securities, investors need to hold stocks, bonds, dividend, interest, dividend, equity of access, in accordance with the ratio of 20% subject to personal income tax. This portion of the taxes levied in accordance with the law on personal income tax, traditionally known as "red profits". Others:

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