Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold Evan ShaRP - SCH

129779265052812500_2 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>Picture social networking site co-founder Pinterest xiyala departure NetEase tech news on April 3 tera gold, according to a TechCrunch report tera gold, sources say, Pinterest photo service Web site co-founder of baoluo·xiyala (Paul Sciarra) in 1 week or so left in the new company. He will join the renowned venture capitalist andesen·huoluoweici (AndreeSsen Horowitz) founded the venture capital institutions. Xiyala and founder of the company and the other a Ben·xierboman (Ben Silbermann) are hatching out Pinterest and Cold Brew Labs in other products of the original founder, 2 people at Yale University when I was in school knew each other. AlthoughIn December 2010, the company mentioned in the documents submitted to the SEC, xiyala is the President and CEO of the company. But he had not been responsible for 6 weeks the picture business, a few weeks no management company, Silbermann by his actions prove that he is the real CEO. Pinterest third co-founder Aiwen·xiapu (Evan ShaRP) is mainly responsible for product and design. Silbermann's action was compelling, media had regarded him as Chief Executive, but the fact is that until last Friday also are operated jointly by him and xiyala. With the departure of xiyala, xiboerman will become a Pinterest, Chief Executive of the official and only. Xiyala will mainly help says Horowitz assessmentInvesting in the future, for advice in the investment portfolio of the company. (Muxiulin) Others:

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