Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling but under the current principle of caution - NIJ

129773822085781250_47BA shusong (information) from the foreign interest rate marketization, interest rate liberalization needs to actively and steadily, a planned and systematic way to finish. Therefore, from advancing the process of marketization of interest rate in China, is likely to be considered for a select number of banks as a pilot approach, in pilot institutions run the observer effect, over time, after a summary and assessmentLarge propulsion.  Although pilots may bring Matthew effect, or unfair, but under the current principle of caution, it is still a better road to reform of the stones. Pilot institutions need to have the condition of pilot institutions select conditions should be conducive to promoting the process of marketization of interest rate risk in the control. Therefore, conditions of pilot banks andAfter the interest rate banks corresponding to the challenge is the one by one. First of all, should meet the regulatory requirements. Selected banking institutions to meet the regulatory requirements as a pilot, is the need for fair competition on the one hand, market players involved in the competition must have the same standard. Capital constraints must be met to prevent higher capital adequacy of banks and capital adequacyOf unfair competition between banks with weak; on the other hand is to risk control needs to meet the monitoring indicators of banking institutions, the risk of resistance is strong.  Therefore, as a market-oriented interest rate commercial banks must meet the regulatory requirements of the pilot. Second, should have a sound corporate governance framework. Reasonable structure, scientific assessment mechanism isCornerstone Bank transformation and sustained and healthy development of science. At present, China's major commercial banks have been listed, corporate governance has been greatly improved, but still exists in the specific practice of corporate governance-related responsibilities of the parties unclear boundaries lead supervision mechanism of mere formality. No listing of some of the Bank's corporate governance was a mere formality and did not play a real role. ThisIn change management mechanism of commercial banks, meeting the challenge of market-oriented interest rate are very negative. Again, should have a strong ability to control risk. Under the condition of market-oriented interest rates, interest rate of commercial banks have to face more uncertain environment, a variety of new financial instruments will continue to emerge, if the weak risk control, you will have a greater risk. Therefore, selected pilot banksRequires advanced technologies and methods of risk control of commercial banks and have the ability to constantly improve risk control. Finally, should have a strong independent pricing power. Marketization of interest rates that the banks face more frequent fluctuations in interest rates, lack of capability of independent pricing or pricing is not strong commercial banks will face severe challenges. Spreads on the stability of long-term interest rates under controlUnder the market-oriented interest rate will no longer exist, if its own pricing power is relatively weak, it would face a loss of market share and customer risk, which eventually led to its own operation failed.  Pricing of interest rate liberalization requires that commercial banks must have strong ability and avoid the occurrence of the risk. Promoting marketization of interest rate arrangement on the premise of maintaining macroeconomic stability,Deposit and loan interest rates market gradually relax the floating range of ways you can take, eventually fully market-oriented.  Ways to relax the floating range, can expand the autonomous pricing power of banking institutions on the one hand; on the other hand can also prevent sharp swings in interest rates due to irrational competitive risk. Specifically, loan interest rates, loan ratesBenchmark lending rate 0.9 times the relaxation of the limit from the current 0.8 times times. In addition, by combining the loan interest rate level, gradually loosening controls on lending rates. At the same time, also in the marketization of interest rate in the loan market to follow after the first small large order. Controlling large loan interest rates, let go of microfinance interest rates, you can while protecting State-owned enterprises to combat rural usuryLoans, increase the profits of banks and credit cooperatives, indigestion assets tera power leveling, promoting the reform of interest rate marketization.  And between large and small can have several layers, hierarchical Division of State-owned enterprises are involved primarily take into account the loan amount and pace of the strategic reorganization of State-owned enterprises. Deposit interest rate, can also relax the floating range of designs. According to overseas experience, firstCan give large, and long-term of deposits (as 100,000 yuan above, and period for 3-5 years above of large regularly deposit) more large of floating range tera power leveling, and for short-term of demand deposits can relative conservative some, to prevent bank short-term appears liquidity problem; observation effect, as no inappropriate, is can gradually will can free developed rates of deposits amount reduces, and period put short (as will amount dropFor more than $ 50,000, for a period of three years or more) tera gold, and reducing the amount of more than $ 10,000 for a period of more than one year of time deposits, after conditions are ripe, again completely let go. From specific implementations, the deposit can be found through a market of interest rate marketization of interest rates and the control of interest rates based on fuzzy zone as a starting point, in the process of achieving the combination of buffer. Specifically, you canWith the introduction of new financial products not under the control of interest rates to achieve incremental reform under the condition of keeping the status quo, then gradually influenced by the Delta to the base. In general terms, deposits in the China market, its core lies in innovation, through innovative new financial products on an existing deposit and loan alternatives, and squeezed, from double-track to market interest rates, and control the interest rate marketRate smooth transition of single track. At present, China's small and medium-sized banks in domestic market share less, and most regional bank, due to the small, relatively flexible business, in the face of changing market can do "boat small well u". Therefore, you can choose to risk control ability, price levels are higher in small and medium-sized banks as interest rate marketization development of pilot, so you canTo adapt Investment Bank ahead of and pressure in the process of marketization of interest rate risk, contribute to the overall risk control. Others:

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