Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold rather than to wait for two years - XHS

129770871346718750_118 <a href="">tera gold</a>SINA finance hearing Beijing time on March 24 news, Reuters reports Friday quoted sources tera power leveling, Morgan Stanley (MS) interested in buying this year and Citigroup (c) joint venture retail brokerage firm Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (Morgan Stanley Smith Barney) all the shares, traded mayUp to around 10 billion dollars. Under the terms of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney joint venture, Morgan Stanley has from the beginning on May 31 from Citigroup to buy another 14% shares the right to choose, and owns two batches in May 2014, by the end of option to buy remaining shares.  Morgan Stanley owns stakes in the joint venture company 51%. But Morgan Stanley and flowersFlags are implied tera gold, intends to complete the transfer of the full ownership of Citi this year, rather than to wait for two years, and has assumed a posture of negotiations behind the scenes. Morgan Stanley and Citigroup spokesman declined to comment on speeding up trading possibilities. (Swirling JI) Others:

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