Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling 0.4% higher than late last month - ZGT

129788454824062500_35March new loans sign hit a 14-month high monetary policy is relaxed Yesterday, the Central Bank announced in March and there have been some positive signs of financial statistics in the first quarter: M2 continuous rally March new loans break the trillion-yuan mark, hit a 14-month high; deposits increased reserves increase. Expert in analyzing these signals that this is the effect of the policy after fine tuning adjustment. "Amidst" is the main keynote of policy this year, monetarySigns of relaxation of policy. This cushion economic downward trend and promote the transformation of economic structure enabling, such monetary policy trend is expected to continue to the second quarter. Preliminary statistics according to the Central Bank, in March, the social scale of finance to $ 1.86 trillion, community size is 3.88 trillion yuan in the first quarter and $ 348.7 billion lower than a year earlier. Which, in the territory of non-financial enterprises unitFinance $ 87.5 billion, up $ 68.3 billion less. From the perspective of structure, Renminbi loans accounted for 63.5% of scale of Community financing in the first quarter, up high 10.4%; non-financial companies stock financing within less than 2.3%, 1.4% per cent. "Increased percentage of loans in the first quarter is normal, other inadequate growth of the stock market. Direct finance ratioHeavy lifting is the general trend tera gold, but a very significant volatility. "Senior bank researcher Zhao Qingming said. At the end of March, M2 rose 13.4%, 0.4% higher than late last month, at the end of the previous year; in 0.2% tera power leveling, Renminbi deposits increased $ 2.95 trillion, more than $ 271.2 billion increase. Renminbi deposits in the first quarter increased 37,600Billion, up less 218.5 billion yuan. Which household deposits $ 3.14 trillion increase, decrease in non-financial enterprises $ 70.7 billion, financial deposits increased $ 67.9 billion. In March, the Renminbi loans increased by $ 1.01 trillion, increased by more than $ 332 billion. March new loans break the trillion-yuan mark, hit a 14-month high, far more than the marketPhase. Renminbi loans rose $ 2.46 trillion in the first quarter and increased by more than $ 217 billion. Experts agreed that the March new loans short feature, and bearing in mind the quarter, sharp increase in deposits are normal. "March in recovery in credit demand, but without too many doubts on short-term loans, medium-and long-term credit needs. China's foreign trade, real estateIn recovery, local financing platform for continued funding needs, which will ensure the recovery of the real economy. "First capital securities Executive Director of Institute of Wang Haoyu is considered, is already the end of China's economy in the first quarter, M2 growth may also have periodic fluctuations in the future, but will also go up. Chief macroeconomic analyst at shenyin wanguo Li Huiyong thoughtMarch credit data exceeded expectations is the adjustable fine tuning of a national policy. Judging from the current situation, the pressure of economic downturn is very large, to ensure that the economic soft landing, there are adjustments necessary to credit to support economic development in support of national projects funding needs. Zhao Qingming expects credit cannot be lower than 8 trillion this year, if the economic decline in SuperExpected, lending more. Judging from the rate of economic growth in the second quarter will be lower than in the first quarter, should be at the bottom. At the end of March, balance of the country's foreign exchange reserves stood at US $ 3.305 trillion. China International Center for economic exchange researcher Zhang y j believes that foreign exchange reserves increased by more than 120 billion dollars in the first quarter, has changed the brain drain trend at the end of last year, to increase the basic goodsCurrencies investing has some benefits. In his view, from the data, both the loan and the money invested is still tight. Central banks need to ease monetary gate lower reserve requirements. Most industry analysts believe that since March's credit increment higher than April lowered deposit rates is unlikely tera power leveling, but with the 5 June due reductions in the open market, the Central Bank RegulationReduced possibility of deposit rates are in positive or negative, this point is expected to appear at the end of the second quarter. Another expert said in March, increasing reserves Herald financial institutions Exchange rebounded in the month, also, foreign capital is still bullish on China, compared to the four-quarter, anticipated a significant improvement, there are no obvious signs of outflow of capital. Others:

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