Monday, April 16, 2012

tera power leveling up less $ 534 billion - RGZ

129788422095000000_157Niu Juanjuan reported the Central Bank Beijing, April 12 journalists today issued a quarter 2012 financial statistics report shows, community size is 3.88 trillion yuan in the first quarter March Renminbi loans rose $ 1.01 trillion; at the end of March, M2 grew by 13.4%; the country's foreign exchange reserves totaled 33,100Of millions of dollars. Recommended reading Bank to restart the first 85 percent discount Bank mortgage interest rate this week, releasing billions of liquidity funds Vice President of Fudan University School of Economics in favour of the Bank salary CPI down or cause a fall in financial product receipts Standard Chartered Bank employee suspected of helping money-laundering was detained a live inventory of more than 4,000 concubines when deposits of Chiefs of the Kingdom of the most gold stars baby |Report shows, according to preliminary statistics, March 2012 social scale of finance to $ 1.86 trillion respectively over the last month and 813.6 billion yuan and $ 35.5 billion in the same period a year earlier. Among them, Renminbi loans rose $ 1.01 trillion, up the additional $ 332 billion; equivalent of foreign currency loans increased $ 95 billion, increased by more than $ 37.8 billion; Delegate loans increased by $ 77 billion, up less $ 74.3 billion; trust loans increased $ 95.2 billion, increased by more than $ 90.5 billion; not discount of bank acceptance bills increased $ 276.9 billion, up less $ 286.2 billion; net financing $ 197.4 billion in corporate bonds, up $ 70.8 billion less; non-financial companies stock financing $ 56.5 billion in the territory, more than 800 millionYuan. Community size is 3.88 trillion yuan in the first quarter and $ 348.7 billion lower than a year earlier. Renminbi loans rose $ 2.46 trillion, increased by more than $ 217 billion; equivalent of foreign currency loans increased $ 132.7 billion, up less $ 45.4 billion; loans increased $ 280.9 billion, less $ 39.5 billion per cent; trust loansIncrease of $ 172.1 billion, increased by more than $ 163 billion; not discount of bank acceptance bills increased $ 227.1 billion, up less $ 534 billion; net financing $ 396 billion in corporate bonds, up $ 61 billion less; non-financial companies stock financing within $ 87.5 billion, up $ 68.3 billion less. From the perspective of structure, loans in the first quarter accounted for social financeSize 63.5%, 10.4% per cent higher; foreign currency loans accounted for 3.4%, low 0.8% per cent; entrust loans accounted for more than 7.2%, up 0.4% trust loans accounted for more than 4.4%, 4.2% per cent higher; no discount Bank accepted draft is better than 5.9%, 12.1% per cent low; corporate bond10.2%, 0.6% per cent; non-financial companies stock financing within less than 2.3%, 1.4% per cent. Reports also show that at the end of March, the broad money (M2) balance is 89.56 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.4%, 0.4% higher than at the end of last month, lower than in the year 0.2%; narrow money(M1) balance of 27.8 trillion yuan tera power leveling, an increase of 4.4%, 0.1% higher than at the end of last month, lower than in the year 3.5%; money in circulation (M0) balance of $ 4.96 trillion, an increase 10.6%, 1.8% higher than at the end of last month, 3.2% per cent lower than at the end of last year. Net return $ 115.4 billion in cash in the first quarter.Renminbi loans rose $ 2.46 trillion in the first quarter, foreign currency loans increased to $ 21.1 billion. ����In March, the Renminbi loans rose $ 1.01 trillion tera gold, up the additional $ 332 billion. At the end of March, the foreign currency loan balances of $ 60.77 trillion, an increase of 15.5%. RMB loan balances of $ 57.25 trillion, an increase of 15.7%, 0.5% higher than at the end of last month, 0.1% per cent lower than at the end of last year. Renminbi loans rose $ 2.46 trillion in the first quarter and increased by more than $ 217 billion. Sector, increased household loans 499.5 billion $, where $ 258.1 billion increase in short-term loans, medium-and long-term loans increased $ 241.4 billion; and other non-financial enterprises sector loans increase$ 1.95 trillion tera gold, of which $ 1.05 trillion increase in short-term loans, and $ 590.6 billion over the medium and long term loans, commercial paper financing increased by $ 257.5 billion. Month-end foreign currency loan balance of $ 559.5 billion, an increase of 17.2%, while foreign currency loans increased $ 21.1 billion in the first quarter. Others:

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