Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera gold including Qualcomm - QGN

129779265056093750_11Samsung or wishing to enter the server chip production NetEase tech news on April 3, according to the Wall Street Journal reported tera gold, observers believe that Samsung's recent hiring trends showed his intention to enter the server chip production. Samsung recently has been the increased manpower for its research and development center of Austin, Texas, from United States companies to recruit engineers, including chaowei semiconductor (AMD) company's talent. MostNew trend: chaowei semiconductor Patrick Patla, Vice Chief Executive on Friday before leaving, to join Samsung. Patla ultra semiconductors business unit General Manager, in charge of business including processor chips. Files displayed on the business social networking site LinkedIn network services, Samsung last year's recruits include: Jim MergardBrad Burgess。 Jim Mergard chaowei semiconductor has 16 years of experience, he was Vice President and Chief Engineer; Brad Burgess is a low-power processor chaowei semiconductor main designers of the Bobcat. Keith Hawkins, head of Samsung research and development center used to be super well-semi-GuideSenior staff, also serving in the server maker Sun Microsystems. Some Samsung engineers have employed new multifunctional production system on chip (SoC) expertise. System-level chip is widely used in mobile devices, to save space and reduce power consumption. Servers can also go this way to save power consumption. Some companies haveIn the planned production system on chip for servers, take Super prestige semiconductor processors designed to achieve this goal. Calxeda company is part of a family. The company headquarters is located in Austin, is working with the joint development of ARM processor-based HP servers. Calxeda believes that recent hiring trends from Samsung, Samsung is also interested in developing for clothingSystem on chip. Calxeda Karl Freund, Vice President of marketing said "they (Samsung) must be added to the same technical personnel in the field. They are likely to accelerate the pace of entering the field of server space. "The Samsung one of Korea's spokesman confirmed that Patla is now a Vice President of a company tera power leveling, but the spokesman declined to productionComment on the possibility of server chips. There is no doubt that Samsung is expanding its chip business, increase in terms of chip microprocessors and other logic product areas of investment. Samsung in addition to design and manufacture its own mobile device processors, also manufactured products such as the Apple iPhone and iPad design of chips. This strategy means that the Samsung Super-WeiCompetitive semiconductor customers tera gold, including Qualcomm, Texas instruments, NVIDIA, Freescale Semiconductor, happy e-technology companies. At the same time, Samsung also compete with Intel. Intel's revenues have been the leading semiconductor, Samsung is second place over the years. Former chaowei semiconductor executives muerhaide (Patrick Moorhead),Moor InsightsStrategy, President and Chief Analyst, chaowei semiconductor system chip market is highly competitive. But compared to other foundries production service companies, Samsung control production, have some advantages in this respect. But Samsung is the new server chips, need a computer manufacturerEstablish credibility and enterprise customers. "They (Samsung) does not like Intel and chaowei semiconductor, lack of experience in Server, you need to future proof their strength. "(Thin bamboo language) Others:

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